BCom 1st Year Branch Account Long Question Answer Study Material


शाखा की पुस्तकों में आवश्यक खाते (Necessary Accounts in the Books of Branch)

  1. मैसर्स पलक एण्ड ब्रादर्स हापुड़ की शाखा पिलखुआ में है जिसे अधिकतर माल प्रधान कार्यालय द्वारा भेजा जाता है।

शाखा स्वयं अपनी पुस्तकें रखती है। शाखा द्वारा प्राप्त की गई समस्त रोकड़ प्रत्येक माह भुगतान करने के बाद तथा हस्तस्थ 750 रु0 से अधिक न रखते हुये, प्रधान कार्यालय को भेज दी जाती है। निम्न विवरण से शाखा की पुस्तकों में (i) लाभ-हानि खाता (ii) प्रधान कार्यालय खाता तथा (iii) आर्थिक चिट्ठा बनाइये।


नकद हाथ में                     1 अप्रैल, 2007                                                                  720

देनदार                              1 अप्रैल, 2007                                                                       17,025

उपस्कर                             1 अप्रैल, 2007                                                                        1,050

स्टॉक                                1 अप्रैल, 2007                                                                        9,450

लेनदार                                  1 अप्रैल, 2007 900

30 सितम्बर, 2007 को समाप्त 6 महीनों के व्यवहार :

उधार विक्रय                                                                                         37,230

विक्रय वापसी                                                                                           300

देनदारों से प्राप्य धनराशि                                                                      13,230

नकद विक्रय                                                                                         167,65

मुख्य कार्यालय से प्राप्त माल                                                                34,140

उधार क्रय                                                                                             1,800

क्रय वापसी                                                                                             150

लेनदारों को भुगतान                                                                               1,500

कार्यालय व्यय                                                       6,330

वेतन और मजदूरी                                                    3,840

फर्नीचर पर ह्रास                                                     105

देनदारों को छूट दी गयी                                               375

हापुड़ कार्यालय को रोकड़ भेजी                                         36,360

स्टाँक 30 सितम्बर                                                  12,900

Messers Palak & Brothers Hapur has a branch at Pilkhwa to whom mostly goods are sent by H.O. The Branch keeps its own books. The entire cash received by the Branch is sent every month to Hapur office after making all payments and keeping on hand not more than Rs. 750. Prepare Branch (i) Profit & Loss account (ii) HO. Account and (iii) Balance Sheet.


Cash in Hand                                           Ist April 2007                             720

Debtors                                                         Ist April 2007                                         17,025

Furniture                                                        Ist April 2007                                         1,050

Stock                                                              Ist April 2007                                         9,450

Creditors                                                       Ist April 2007                                          900


Transactions during the 6 months ending on 30th Septemeber 2007 :


Credit Sales                                                                                                                          37,230

Sales Return                                                                                                                          300

Cash Received from Debtors                                                                                            31,230

Cash Sales                                                                                                                           16,785

Goods Received from H.O.                                                                                                34,140

Credit Purchase                                                                                                                   1,800

Purchase Returns                                                                                                                150

Cash paid to Creditors                                                                                             1,500

Office Expenses                                                                                                                  6,330

Salaries and Wages                                                                                                           3,840

Depreciation on Furniture                                                                                                  105

Discount Allowed to Debtors                                                                                             375

Cash Sent to Hapur Office                                                                                                36,360

Stock 30th on September                                                                                                  12,900

(Ans : Balance : Cash Account Rs. 705; Debtors Account Rs. 22,350, Creditors Account Rs. 1,050, Gross Profit Rs. 21,375; Net Profit Rs. 10,725; H.O. Account Rs. 35,850; Total of the

Balance Sheet Rs. 36,900

विदेशी शाखा ( Foreign Branch )

  1. एक फर्म ने जिसका प्रधान कार्यालय लन्दन में है और शाखा कोलकाता में है 31 मार्च 2018 को समाप्त होने वाले वर्ष के लिये शाखा से निम्नांकित तलपट प्राप्त किया। इसे प्रधान कार्यालय की मुद्रा में बदलो।

A Firm, with its Head Office in London and the Branch in Kolkata, received the following Trial Balance form the Branch for the year ended March 31, 2008. Convert it into Head Office Currency

31 मार्च, 2008 को स्टॉक 22,500 रु० का था। 31 मार्च 2008 को लन्दन की पुस्तकों में शाखा खाते का डेबिट शेष £ 2,880 तथा फिक्सचर और फर्नीचर का शेष £ 350 था। विनिमय दर 31 मार्च, 2007 को 14 रु०, 31 मार्च, 2008 को 9 रु० तथा 2008 वर्ष के लिये औसत दर 12 रु0


कोलकाता शाखा का लाभ-हानि खाता तथा आर्थिक चिट्ठा मुख्य कार्यालय की मुद्रा में बनाइये और यह स्पष्ट कीजिये कि विनिमय के अन्तर का क्या करोगे ? Stock on March 31, 2008 was Rs. 22,500. Kolkata Branch Account in London Books showed a Debit Balance of £ 2,880 on March 31, 2008 and Fixtures and Furniture appeared at £ 350. Rate of Exchange was on March 31, 2007 Rs. 14, March 31, 2008 Rs. 9 and the Average Rate for the year 2008 was Rs. 12.

Prepare in Head Office Currency the Profit and Loss Account and the Balance Sheet of Kolkata Branch. Also show the treatment of the Difference in Exchange. (Meerut B. Com. P. 1991)

(Ans : Difference in Exchange £ 870; Gross Profit 4,325; Net Profit 143,900 Total of the

Balance Sheet £ 10,350.)

  1. पटेल एण्ड कम्पनी का प्रधान कार्यालय अहमदाबाद तथा शाखा लिवरपूल में है। शाखा में पृथक् पुस्तकें रखी जाती हैं। दोनों पुस्तकों से निम्न विवरण लिये गये :

Patel and Co. have their Head Office in Ahmedabad and a Branch in Liverpool. The Branch maintains separate Books. Following details were taken from both Set of Books


Liverpool Branch Account in H.O. Books on April 1, 2007                         1,00,000

Cash Sent from H.O. to Branch during the year                                           12,500

Cotton invoiced by Branch to H.O. during the year                                   41,270

Branch Loss for 2008                                                                                         12,540

Loss on Exchange on conversion of Branch T.B. on March 31, 2008         420

प्रधान कार्यालय के यहाँ 2008 के लिए शाखा खाता बनाओ। प्रधान कार्यालय अपनी पुस्तकें 31 मार्च को बन्द करता है। यह भी बताओ की 31 मार्च, 2008 को शाखा खाते का शेष क्या प्रदर्शित करता है।

Prepare Branch Account in the Head Office Books for 2008.The Head Office closes its Books on March 31.

Also show as to what does the balance in Branch Account on March 31, 2008 represent?

(Ans. Balance of Branch Account (Dr.) Rs. 58,270 representing the Excess of Assets over Liabilities.)




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